The Greeks loved things that came in threes. That’s certainly true with the “perfect structure” they designed for the persuasive presentation. You start with “ethos” — using your character and the art of decorum to establish credibility and a foundation of trust. Then you progress to “logos”, stating the logic of your argument. You conclude by touching on the audience’s emotions, what the Greeks called “pathos”. Ethos, logos, pathos — watch the video to see how it all fits together.
When you give a persuasive presentation, should you focus on logic or emotion? Facts and data or character and trust? What will the audience remember? What do you want them to remember? The fact is, they won’t remember your facts. So, your most effective communication needs to focus on building a foundation based on trust. But trust is an emotion… so what do you do? Learn more in this video.
Managing your time effectively is a critical component of a persuasive presentation. If you run overtime, you’re communicating that you don’t respect the audience, that you’re not an organized person, and that your company probably isn’t either. There’s an important corollary as well: presentations always take longer than rehearsals. Here’s how to plan ahead for better time management.