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When you’re on stage to give a persuasive presentation, you have a lot of variables to manage. The postings in this category teach you how to come across as a comfortable, confident presenter.

Creating Sound Bites

attentionMost people will forget most of what you say shortly after your presentation. Speech writers are always looking for hooks to make key ideas more memorable. These are the sound bites that you often hear on the evening news. Sound bites summarize, shorten and encode information to make it more memorable. It’s almost like writing a jingle for a commercial.  How do you create sound bites? It’s not easy but there are some general rules to follow. Find out more in the video.

Holding the Audience’s Attention

When you sit around the dinner table talking with friends, you use many social conventions to tell stories, ask questions, create interest, and hold each other’s attention. You can use many of these same techniques and verbal skills to hold an audience’s attention when you give a presentation. If you sense that you’re losing the audience’s attention, there are two magic words that will them back to you. Learn the techniques — and the magic words — in this video.

The Perfect Structure

The Greeks loved things that came in threes.  That’s certainly true with the “perfect structure” they designed for the persuasive presentation.  You start with “ethos” — using your character and the art of decorum to establish credibility and a foundation of trust.  Then you progress to “logos”, stating the logic of your argument.  You conclude by touching on the audience’s emotions, what the Greeks called “pathos”.  Ethos, logos, pathos — watch the video to see how it all fits together.

The Single Best Tip

Managing your time effectively is a critical component of a persuasive presentation.  If you run overtime, you’re communicating that you don’t respect the audience, that you’re not an organized person, and that your company probably isn’t either.  There’s an important corollary as well: presentations always take longer than rehearsals.  Here’s how to plan ahead for better time management.

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