Strategy. Innovation. Brand.

Change the Channel

You’re communicating with a colleague at work and your message is not getting through. Maybe you have the wrong message. Or maybe you have the wrong channel. When the going gets tough, it may be time to change the channel. Learn more in the video.

Establishing trust with the audience

The Greeks called it “ethos” and said that’s it’s the most important element of persuasion. If the audience trusts you, they’re likely to accept your argument — no matter how illogical.  If they don’t trust you, they’re likely to reject your argument — no matter how logical. So how do you establish trust?  Find out in the video.

Humor in business documents is like a quark: very hard to produce.

Why is it so hard to write something that makes people laugh? Mainly because writing eliminates so many elements of communications — tone of voice, body language, timing, inflection, etc. — that make people laugh.  It’s very hard to write funny.  Moral of the story: don’t try.  Learn more in the video:

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